
Ramen Lady

Who could resist a bowl of tasty chicken broth with noodles, seaweed and spring onions? Even my mother, or I called her "Ibu", would do a very long walk to get her delicious ramen. Last Sunday, I don't know for sure what kind of evil that got into her and possessed her feet. She asked me if I would go eating out with her and went by a bus. Walked from our porch to the bus shelter at 10 AM, I caught a glimpse of her "help-me-I'm-out-of-breath", then I hailed a taxi. Our bus trip was cancelled.

Never mind the bus trip, we went by feet to my favorite ramen house (usually go there with Ms. V and Mr. Frnss). Beyond my expectation, she loved it very much and she ordered a plate of scrumptious gyoza before we asked for the note. As she sipped her hot lemon tea, she shrieked. She found a strand of hair inside it. Euwh. Then she promised herself never ordered another drink besides the iced water (which is free).

Bideo Killed The Ladio Staaaa

Rainy afternoon has been a really good friend of mine in last days of October. Mr. Rain, please introduce an acquaintance of mine, Mr. Shugo Tokumaru. He succeed in making my afternoon brighter and shine with laughter, though I have to walk under the rain for few kilometres before I catch the bus. I find myself really enjoy knitting Möbius strip cowl now. Not finished yet, but sure do within week.

(images via INDIE 2.0)

Anyone, please set me up on a date with him.


Warung Kopi Tanpa Es Kopi

Aku rindu es kopi di kota ini. 
Begitu banyak warung kopi, tetapi tidak satupun menyediakan es kopi. 
Apakah warga kota ini tidak suka makan sayur?
Karena sulit sekali menemukan menu sayur di lautan ikan, cumi-cumi dan kepiting.
Kota ini memang berbeda dengan kota tempat tinggalku,
namun aku suka sekali menghirup udara kota ini di pagi hari.
Matahari pukul enam pagi sudah sangat terang di sini,
tidak heran banyak muda-mudi yang sudah duduk di dermaga.
Seorang polisi membantuku menyeberang di depan rumah sakit menuju pantai.
Kuucapkan "terima kasih," polisi itu hanya diam.
Mungkin tidak banyak yang berkata seperti itu di kota ini, 
karena semua mobil dan motor melaju seakan tidak memiliki rem.
Pada awalnya teman-teman baruku bingung, apakah aku laki-laki atau perempuan.
Aku baru saja memangkas rambutku lebih pendek 
dan selama di sana aku memakai celana kargo dan t-shirt.
Sayang teman, kalian tidak melihatku di pantai ini. 


In Blog-Vacation Mode

Oh yeah well, there's nothing much to tell about. I'll be out of town this whole month on mini roadshow. Hopping from town to town. Diarrhea. Until we meet again, blog. But you could still order for mikisi's product, there'll be Julian who take care everything while I'm away. He made a surprise for our shop too.

Tidak banyak yang dapat saya ceritakan di posting ini, selain diare dan berlompatan dari satu kota ke kota lain, dari sekolah dan kampus ke sekolah dan kampus lain. Aku sedang "berlibur" bersama mini roadshow yang diadakan oleh tempat kerjaku. Mari, sampai bertemu lagi ya.