
Sanpo Disco

"Clear skies with a chance of puffy clouds" (series)
10,5x14,6 cm
poster color on paper
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I am sad to hear my favorite mix, Sanpo Disco, is ending, for it's been an amazing journey on my musical apprehension for the last 3 years. I read Sui Zhen's comment with watery eyes too, couldn't agree more with her.
"...I recall the first time you sat in my kitchen and told me about this idea. My cynicism got the better of me and I couldn't see how people would find time to make specially crafted mixes without monetary exchange. That was so naive and also, sad that I would think that way. You proved it to all of us that there is a dedicated audience of listeners and mix makers ready and waiting in the wings for a shining moment on your carefully considered platform. You connected the dots for many across seas and plains linking like-minded people together around for this vision for 'music to listen to on a stroll'. 
You've also created an amazing pool of reference for me personally as a musician to draw from. I'm sure I'm not alone in taking influence from the music in these mixes. You've inspired me mostly because you reminded me of the value of intent - and the value of doing something for the love. And all the good that can come from this - that may lead to many personal activities and creative pathways. Thanks for being such a noble, persistent and also patient facilitator of other people's creative endeavours. What you do is a fine art! I'm lucky to have benefited from #SanpoDisco over the years and luckier to be able to continue bathe in your musical passions. Thank you and congratulations, my buddy."
Perhaps many mix makers have never realized how they could touch others through their picks. Even some of them had saved me from my darkest hours and many of my artwork grew with them. Listen to Rowan's final mix, it's really great! (Also, they have an astounding episode with Georgia as guest)


As I wrote this post, I am struggling to get myself out of losing my interest in drawing and doing tangible things I used to love. It feels like I'm drowning even more.

For past weeks I tried to immerse my eyes and mind on Miyazaki's doco The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness and Never Ending Man, and also finished reading Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage.