
Bottles of Happiness

bottles_right bottles_left
I really amazed at how Mr. Painsugar arranged bottles and containers upon his desk.
I am intrigued afterwards to grab black marker and put some smiles on faceless empty (and half empty) bottles scattered on my desk. Alright, time to pimp my desk!

Sep 28

Sep 28


Tie-in Books

DSCF0127 small DSCF0123 small DSCF0124 small DSCF0126 small

It's not a movie tie-in books, but a mousepad.
Copied from two recent readings, Nabokov's Lolita & H.P. Love Craft's The Call of Chtulhu (psst, in the original design, they're 3-D, it's a randomhouse vintage book amped with a 3-D goggles)
Now my office desk has a bit of colour.

Sep 27

Sep 27


Waiting The Future to Come

Well, let's wait until the DVD's out. Meanwhile, get your predictions twice a week in Monday or Thursday if you submitted your email address at the website

Sep 26

Sep 26_0001


Sep 16

Sep 16

(flickr uploader is not working today, kinda lame)


Moleskine Star Wars Edition

    (all pictures taken from Moleskine Asia webpage) 

The Force is strong with this one.

Explanation on cover:
X-Wing (plain)  pocket HK$ 148, large HK$ 198
Darth Vader (ruled) pocket HK$148, large HK$198
If you order it online, it's free delivery worldwide!



Sep 14

Sep 14

Sep 12-13

Sep 12-13


Oi, Skinheads, I borrowed thy bleachers trick

bleached t-shirt closer look we supposed to wear it like this

I always trust my gut to try something that I really want. I know there's some local brands who got similar product, but I don't feel like I'm going to buy it. Like most of people who visit a craft booth and suddenly inspired to do the same(but they didn't make it at home eventually), I encouraged myself to do my own camo-jeans skinhead style or bleachers. Only with two caps of undiluted bleach (I used Bayclin) and toothbrush. Splattered them arbitrarily. Leave it a bit longer if you want the splats turn white.

Thanks to Shalimma, who kept repeatedly do the galaxy fashion spread during office hours. Ha! We both easily tempted. Her with my daily drawings and I with her galaxy fondness.

Sep 8

Sep 8



(words are taken from 'Future Generation' zine via Nicoz Balboa)

(I finished this piece 4 months ago on a plane, from Palembang to Jakarta)

I realized I hardly post anything new on the blog. I just went through an ever changing experience.
I'm not sure if I'm still the same person or not. How I wish I could tell you anything I knew, just like a NatGeo reporter or any traveller, who briefly describe, take pictures and clearly tell stories about what they ate or exotic places they have been to. 
I am sorry, I couldn't do that, but I would be very delightful to share what I really feel during these hiatus months. Don't wait for it, it will appear somehow.