Pip & Naam Series (part 1)
Indriani Widiastuti
Pekerjaan sebagai peneliti exoplanet di Base Alpha 421, membuat Pip tak lepas menatap layar kecil pada panel. Namun bukan desir mesin dan kelip tombol yang ia tunggu.
Alam semesta terlalu sia-sia untuk dinikmati seorang diri. Baginya, sinyal yang datang dari gugusan bintang F38 adalah yang paling dinanti.
As an exoplanet scientist in Base Alpha 421, Pip couldn't take his eyes off the monitor on control panel for even a second. He's certainly not waiting for whirrs and beeps.
The universe is an awfully big space to be inhabited only by ourselves. He'd wait for a lifetime only for a signal from section F38.
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Mini-comic series for
Skalie's latest single "Symphony Alam Semesta", published weekly in July 2017 on their
instagram. This is another challenge for myself to work fully in digital and write a script. The full version of this mini comic will be released in printed version as CD sleeve.
The comic is about a man who has strong belief about not being alone in this universe. He's opening contact with anyone in the galaxy, hoping there will be someone at section F38 would answer his call. Of course, there is a price to pay for being curious.
This is the first of four parts, originally written in Bahasa Indonesia (English translation available only on this blog).
Big thanks to
Hadi Skalie &
Boris Herlambang from the band, for the early concepts and letting me play around with space and communication theme. Also thank you,
Julian Louis Sugiharto, the co-designer for "Symphony Alam Semesta" title cover.