
Repulse the Interlopers

"Repulse the Interlopers" (graphite on paper, 11/20/2017)

Sometimes it's harder to shut the unseen, than what is invisible to eyes.
People looks different once you don't care about them anymore. High and low.


My Sci-fi Girls

I missed Naam from Pip & Naam mini comic series as I drew this. She should be one of my space girls on another series (but not the pilot from Ultra series, it's just pure admiration).


Starting All Over Again

"Starting All Over Again" (ink on paper, 14 x 21 cm)

Knowing things will never be the same, I don't mind to start all over again


"Crybaby --" (ink on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm)


Pip & Naam series (pt.4)

Pip & Naam Series (part 4)

Meskipun persediaan daya pesawatnya tak lagi banyak, Naam terus membuka kontak radio dengan Pip. Pip berusaha membuat Naam tidak khawatir, meskipun jantungnya juga berdebar kencang saat ini.

Dengan tergesa-gesa ia mencatat koordinat planet Neka. Tanpa ragu ia melangkahkan kaki menuju hanggar.

Di dalam pesawat menuju Neka, ia berujar dalam hati, "Kau menjawab segala rinduku."

Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Pip & Naam series (pt.3)

Pip & Naam Series (part 3)

Sinyal itu dikirimkan oleh Naam, yang sedang mencari bantuan untuk keluar dari planet Neka di gugus bintang F-38. Para perompak membajak pesawatnya dan merusak mesinnya. Tepat di hari keempat, Pip mendengar sinyal Naam.


Read Part 1 | Part 2


Pip & Naam Series (part 2)

Pip & Naam Series (part 2)

Di antara gemerisik signal tracker, Pip mendengar kode yang familiar di frekuensi 4,46 GHz. Ia terkejut, berkali-kali matanya tak percaya memandang monitor. Ia membesarkan volume dan merapatkan headset ke telinga.
Matanya berbinar, karena suara itu berasal dari gugus bintang F-38!

Among crackles and noises from the signal tracker, Pip heard a familiar code at 4.46 GHz. As he checked on the monitor, he could not believe his eyes. He turned up the headset volume and pressed it closer to his ears.
It was real, it was a signal from section F-38!

Read Part 1


Erased. Recover.

I accidentally erased ALL PICTURES on SloraSauna picture archives (used to be Picasa) and there's no way of recovering it with auto-backup.

I couldn't stop laughing at myself while trying to recover the pictures as much as possible, manually. But I'm not sure with the pictures I got on my old laptop, it will took some times and perhaps I should wave some of them goodbye.

Sorry for the missing pics, guys, if you look at older blog archive, starting from 2015 and older.

Pip & Naam Series

Pip & Naam Series (part 1)

Indriani Widiastuti

Pekerjaan sebagai peneliti exoplanet di Base Alpha 421, membuat Pip tak lepas menatap layar kecil pada panel. Namun bukan desir mesin dan kelip tombol yang ia tunggu.
Alam semesta terlalu sia-sia untuk dinikmati seorang diri. Baginya, sinyal yang datang dari gugusan bintang F38 adalah yang paling dinanti.

As an exoplanet scientist in Base Alpha 421, Pip couldn't take his eyes off the monitor on control panel for even a second. He's certainly not waiting for whirrs and beeps. 
The universe is an awfully big space to be inhabited only by ourselves. He'd wait for a lifetime only for a signal from section F38.  

- - -
Mini-comic series for Skalie's latest single "Symphony Alam Semesta", published weekly in July 2017 on their instagram. This is another challenge for myself to work fully in digital and write a script. The full version of this mini comic will be released in printed version as CD sleeve.

The comic is about a man who has strong belief about not being alone in this universe. He's opening contact with anyone in the galaxy, hoping there will be someone at section F38 would answer his call. Of course, there is a price to pay for being curious.

This is the first of four parts, originally written in Bahasa Indonesia (English translation available only on this blog).

Big thanks to Hadi SkalieBoris Herlambang from the band, for the early concepts and letting me play around with space and communication theme. Also thank you, Julian Louis Sugiharto, the co-designer for "Symphony Alam Semesta" title cover.



Migration zum Sun Belt

Migration zum Sun Belt 
(graphite on paper, 15x21 cm)

A quick drawing done in smaller size in between commission work & commercial project (that mostly done in digital). I miss my tiny graphite leads.

Although it shared the same terms, "Migration zum Sun Belt" has no political/economic related to the terms migration to south or migration to Sun Belt in 1970s America. I am preparing myself to be more efficiently in working with graphites, that's what I think it got something similar with the "spirit" of the migration. 

Sometimes I think spending too much times only working on one artwork for a copious of time, is a sign that we cannot manage ourselves properly. Not that I forbid the self-exploration or quality over quantity, but with paperworks, self-promotions or other personal stuff that happened, I have to divide my attentions too to these particular things. 

For the last three months, I spent hours working on commercial works (half of it was non-related to drawing or arts) and this mini comic for a ska band (will post it later). As a result, I experienced creative burnouts, which I never knew I had it, not before my best friend pointed it out. 
(ink on paper, 2017)

I tried everything relaxing from watching movies, reading a book, eating favorite food, house cleaning. Eventually it loosened up a bit with a help of certain color scheme and proper sleep. "Burnout" is what I drew during that revelation morning, after watching Mimo Wo Sumaseba. Creative burnouts, please do not come any time soon (or forever). 



Study on Mechagodzilla

Too Hot to Handle
(pencil on paper, 2017)

Many things happened in my art world for the first half of the year.
Commercially speaking, couples of commission works done within two months straight (a book and study aid card, will post about it later), also illustration series and mini comic for upcoming Skalie's single for the rest of July.
As for personal work, I'm preparing a fan art of my recent favorite artist Riandy Karuniawan and his mystical world of Sathar. I posted a couple of BTS on instagram.



Guts (21x15 cm, pen on paper, 2017)

My memories swam like little fish that I snatched at, and sometimes they wriggled out of my gasp.
Sometimes your brain gives you solutions in addition to problems.
The reason your subconscious dredges up all these miserable ghosts is that they need to get closure before they can rest peacefully in humiliation afterlife.
It's just like Bic pen Kryptonite lock.

Bite bite bite bite bite!

- Taken from annotations I made from Cory Doctorow's "Little Brother" (2008), et.al. 