
Sand Could Be Very Deceptive

Sand Can Be Very Deceptive
The dreamiest thoughts of being, is swimming with merman at the beach.
But can I have a clean-shaved and short-haired Merman, please?
I don't bother jellyfish.
Sand could be very deceptive.
It may look dense if they're together,
but it would easily escape through your fingers if you grab it too tight.

(another journal entry from yesterday. March 22, 2015)

Bukan Buibu

Bukan Buibu
Coba aja kayak gini dikali beberapa belas kali, terutama di warung mie yang pelayannya lahir tahun 1998 ke atas mungkin. Shit. Sejak ganti kacamata, aku sekarang jadi kakak-kakak dan mbak-mbak.

(diambil dari salah satu halaman jurnal pribadi, sori kalau garis-garis, 12 Maret 2015)